Want to know how to become an alpha male? We're here to help! This step by step guide will turn you into the alpha male you've always wanted to be.
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Do you ever see guys for whom everything just seems to fall into place?
They have the most attractive, successful partners, they're in great shape, and their professional life is always firing on all cylinders.
It might be tempting to assume they've found a wish-granting genie, but societally we look at guys like that as alpha males.
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Now you might have a lingering view of the "alpha males" from high school or college - guys that are brutish, dominant, loud, and confrontational.
While guys like that think they're the embodiment of "alpha male status", they're really just obnoxious.
Truly it has less to do with how other people perceive and interact with you, and more about how you govern your life.
Once you realize that becoming an alpha male is about having dominance over your own destiny, you can accomplish anything.
Let's look at the traits and habits of highly successful alpha males, and how you can make the switch that changes your life forever.
The most common traits of an alpha male are bravery, confidence, decisiveness, and leadership
For one alpha males are strong independent men with high levels of confidence, but they are not cocky about it. They know what they want and are not afraid to pursue it.
The term alpha male originates from the book 'The Wolf: Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species' by L. David Mech published in 1970
Theoretically, yes. However, it may require a lot of work on your part to break non alpha male habits and learn to adopt pro alpha male habits and traits
The common ideas of "alphas" and "betas" males are based on the perception that alphas are dominant males within a social hierarchy.
Perhaps this is true in animals, but even the author of the famous wolf study that coined the phrase "alpha" has since changed his belief on the subject.
Men who falsely project the confrontational alpha image are usually bullies who cannot compromise.
The first point to understand is that it has nothing to do with confrontation or conflict; alpha status comes from a mastery of your own life.
For instance, a beta male goes where the wind takes him.
He goes to work at a job he doesn't find fulfilling because it pays the rent and keeps food on the table.
He marries a woman that he loves dutifully but doesn't have passion for, and diligently pays attention to his 401k, thinking of the day he can retire when he's old and life has passed him by.
In short, alphas takes charge of his life instead of running away from it through leisure and vice.
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Generally speaking, alpha males have traits that they all share, regardless of their culture or history.
These traits help them make the most of life, constantly striving to challenge and improve themselves.
Alpha males are:
Becoming alpha means major life change for most guys - after all, our brains are conditioned to seek comfort and the well-tread road.
If you want to stop being beta male and become an alpha male, however, you will have to learn to seek discomfort, because that means growth.
When you compare alpha male vs beta male tendencies, beta males seek comfort.
Since men aren't born alpha males, it's up to you to make the choices and changes necessary to become an alpha male and improve your life.
This quick list will give you the information and inspiration necessary to enact real, lasting change in your attitude and action.
This isn't to say you shouldn't feel fear - that's virtually impossible.
Alphas still feel fear, but then they intentionally go through with their planned course of action anyway.
Understanding the risks and being confident enough to deal with the potential downsides of a choice is the defining trait of an alpha male.
Whether you're at the cusp of an argument with your partner, or you are out at the bar and someone slams into you, a man with alpha male traits understands that fighting isn't useful.
Always seek to understand that reason someone else is angry or displeased with you.
This doesn't mean you have to bow down to their demands, but introspection can be difficult and yet it's incredibly important across all parts of your life.
Practice it often!
There's nothing sexy about salads, sleep, hygiene, or flossing, but we do them because they keep us healthy.
Taking care of yourself means more than just doing Crossfit a few times a week as well - to become an alpha means making sure you manage your stress and your mental health as well.
A man that controls everything but his temper is still at the mercy of his hormones and emotions, and can never truly be alphas.
Many men get by in life with a few moves, below-average stamina, and the less-than-truthful praise of a few sexual partners.
Sex is a team sport, however, and if your teammate isn't fulfilled, they'll find another partner.
Worse yet, if you're worried that you're not as sexually gifted as you'd like, this will impact your performance.
Getting some help with premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction, and learning a few new moves are all key ways to improve your sexual prowess, which in turn will boost your confidence.
Lots of people get home from work and when they should be pursuing their interests - creating, building a business, chiseling rock-hard abs from flab - they're content to crack open some beers and veg out watching television.
No matter what your poison is - porn, video games, booze, weed - it's probably shortening your life and it's shortening your attention span.
Alpha male characteristics drive us towards discomfort and growth, even when we just want to zone out.
Besides, sinking into your couch with a cold beer feels a lot better when it's earned from pursuing our own self-betterment.
If you don't have a goal in life, then what are you doing?
If you only go to work to make money that you then spend on vices and leisure, what are you building toward?
Are you content to be a robot at your job for the "privilege" of spending your freedom pursuing disconnection?
Find a purpose and pursue it rapidly, passionately, until you can make it your career.
Alphas seek to better their society, starting with their community.
Find your local breadline or homeless shelter, and find out how you can help.
And while donating money is a great and noble thing, it's so much better to donate your time.
Since time is a finite resource, it builds character to get out and use it to help other people.
Coach, work on a community garden, teach guitar lessons to underprivileged kids in your community, join social groups that do volunteer work, or go grocery shopping for your elderly neighbors.
Whatever it is that can help others around you, do it enthusiastically.
Nobody got to where they are in life relying solely on themselves - all truly successful people had some form of help and alpha males are no different.
This is, however, different than waiting for someone to give you success.
If you're constantly waiting with your hand out for someone to give you money, you'll always be beta male.
This is still true of waiting patiently to "get rewarded" with a raise or promotion at your job.
If you truly want to improve your career, seek out that improvement - never wait for anyone else to permit you to better your own life.
If your happiness comes from your partner being in a good mood or your kids liking you, you're going to do mostly awful things, including not disciplining your kids and not standing up to your significant other.
Nobody likes a pushover, so stop sacrificing your happiness as an expense to please other people in the short term.
You should find happiness in the things you love and your life goals. Don't seek permission to be happy from other people.
If you don't have the confidence that you could reasonably defend yourself in a fight, you're going to have trouble standing up to confrontation.
It's less about being able to street fight like Jackie Chan and more that you could and would stand your ground if someone came after you.
Knowing that you could stare down someone who is trying to intimidate you builds higher levels of confidence.
Want to write the next "Hamilton" but you're afraid that your friends will make fun of you for it?
Get new friends.
It's better to pursue what makes you happy despite what other people say than to live within the narrow channel of their approval.
So sure, we're not saying you get a "dance like nobody's watching" tattoo on your ankle.
Rather, whether or not someone is watching you shouldn't matter at all if you're pursuing what you love.
By now, all of these changes might sound exhausting and truthfully if you're used to beer, Netflix binges, and the status quo, these changes will be exhausting.
That's okay, though, because as important as it is to drive yourself hard, it's equally important to relax and regenerate.
Get a massage (or a massager), make sure your sleep hygiene is on-point, and know when to say "no" to adding more to your plate.
A self-care routine for men doesn't have to be shaving with a straight-razor in a mountain stream while a bear roars in the background.
It's okay to use skincare, sexual health, and hair care products.
Confidence comes from self-mastery, and self-mastery includes self-care rituals.
Get rid of the heteronormative gender biases you have been indoctrinated into and realize that taking care of yourself in small ways is good.
One of the main things people remember about you is whether or not you keep your promises, and this is especially true about your children.
Nothing feels worse than being stood up or let down by someone you love and trust, so only make promises you can 100% keep.
Do everything in your power to be a man of your word, and everyone you meet will remember that about you.
If you ever wanted an example of a principled, steadfast man, pick up a copy of the Meditation of Marcus Aurelius.
The man had some extremely well-defined rules for living a good life, and he wrote them down not so that you could emulate them, but for his benefit.
We're not saying you should write a timeless book on what you believe, but start by defining your values for yourself.
Establish your views, what's truly important to you, and then create a scaffolding with them on which you build your choices.
Especially with social media, it seems like everyone feels their opinion must be heard, even if it's backward.
While it's easy to argue online, standing up for what's right in-person is an entirely different situation.
Alphas cultivate the power to say something in unpleasant situations, no matter where they occur.
Stand up for yourself and those around you and see how much your perception of yourself changes.
Whether you're building your perfect body, creating a business, or dissatisfied with your relationship, an alpha male understands that growth comes from discomfort.
It's not enough to realize this; you have to learn to desire the discomfort that comes along with improving yourself.
Our brains are hardwired to desire calories, sexual partners, and leisure and to get them as easily as possible.
Muscle growth, education, and success all grow from the soil of pain, so learn to love the pain of growth; better that than the pain of regret.
Nothing good was ever gained by going with the status quo.
If you're afraid of rocking the boat with your boss, your partner, or the target audience for your business, you're only alienating yourself.
Since you only have one life, living it by other people's standards is a pretty bad way to exist.
Be assertive about what you want, even if it means upsetting someone, but at the same time, don't mistake this as a license to be boorish or rude.
Basically if improving yourself bothers your partner or friends, then they're not rooting for you anyway.
Alpha males are kind and helpful to other people because they truly care about them.
Betas or "nice guys" only appear nice to get something in return, or because they fear other people being mean to them.
Alphas find inward strength to move forward, even when things are difficult.
Understand that even if everything falls apart, you can rely on your intellect and will to change your life for the better.
Don't check to see if you're on the right path by looking to other people, that's what beta males would do; figure it out yourself.
When you started reading this article, you likely had a preconceived notion of what being "alpha" means, and it was probably based on external cues rather than inborn confidence.
Understand that being alpha means controlling your destiny and forging your path.
Being alpha has nothing to do with how other people view you, and everything to do with how you view yourself.
If you aren't confident, pursuing your own goals, and looking inward for guidance, it will show in your body language and you'll never become an alpha male.
Beta males go with the flow and follow the crowd because it's easier. They cloud their minds with vice and are afraid to rock the boat.
An alpha male strives for growth, even though it's painful.
They seek to better the lives of those around them for the sake of it, not to get something in return.
Becoming an alpha male means taking control over your life and living it to the fullest.
Our team has over a decade of experience in the sexual wellness field and are experts in sexual dysfunctions, like premature ejaculation. We help couples and individuals better understand treatment options available for different types of sexual needs and educate the public on all things related to intimacy. All of our authored content is medically reviewed for accuracy and reliability.
Absorption Pharmaceuticals LLC (Promescent) has strict informational citing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic or research institutions, medical associations, and medical experts. We attempt to use primary sources and refrain from using tertiary references and only citing trustworthy sources. Each article is reviewed, written, and updated by Medical Professionals or authoritative Experts in a specific, related field of practice. You can find out more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.
Dave Mech. (n.d). Wolf News and Information. davemech.org. https://davemech.org/wolf-news-and-information/. Accessed 27 Jan 2022.
Jennifer Doran. 2014 April. The unspoken truth about self-care. American Psychological Association. https://www.apa.org/gradpsych/2014/04/corner. Accessed 27 Jan 2022.
Kathryn E. Flynn, PhD, Li Lin, MS, Deborah Watkins Bruner, PhD, Jill M. Cyranowski, PhD, Elizabeth A. Hahn, MA, Diana D. Jeffery, PhD, Jennifer Barsky Reese, PhD, Bryce B. Reeve, PhD, Rebecca A. Shelby, PhD, and Kevin P. Weinfurt, PhD. 2016 September 23. Sexual Satisfaction and the Importance of Sexual Health to Quality of Life Throughout the Life Course of US Adults. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5075511/. Accessed 27 Jan 2022.
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