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Take premature ejaculation wipes on the go, leave delay spray at home. New, convenient pe wipes for discreet use.
Compared to Roman Swipes at 4% benzocaine
When used as directed
Wipes are easier to use, but Promescent Delay Spray will have superior results
بخاخ تأخير Promescent مفضل لدى ملايين الرجال والمتخصصين في الرعاية الصحية. يستخدم تركيبة خاصة حاصلة على براءة اختراع تمتص بسرعة وتقدم نتائج أفضل. نوصي بالحصول على كلا المنتجين، المناديل المبللة لسهولة الاستخدام وقابلية التنقل بها، وبخاخ التأخير للحصول على نتائج فائقة.
Delay wipes are topical anesthetics designed to temporarily numb penile sensitivity, thereby extending the duration of sexual intercourse by delaying ejaculation. Infused with active ingredients like benzocaine, these wipes gained prominence after a 2017 study in the Journal of Urology demonstrated their efficacy. By applying a delay wipe to the penis before engaging in sexual activity, individuals can achieve better control over their ejaculation timing, enhancing both partners' sexual experience.
Delay Wipes: Promescent climax delay wipes use 7% benzocaine as a desensitizing agent and are applied via a small, individually wrapped towelette. While the PE wipes are much more convenient to travel with or bring on a night out, they do not have the same efficacy of our Delay Spray. We recommend trying both products to see which one will work best for your personal needs.
Delay Spray: Promescent delay spray uses patented technology that has special characteristics which gives users superior results. For men experiencing severe to moderate premature ejaculation (< 2 minutes) we recommend choosing the spray format. For men lasting 5 minutes or longer we recommend giving both formats a try to see which suits your needs. Keep the delay spray in your nightstand and a wipe or two in your wallet.
Applying the benzocaine wipes is incredibly simple.
الخطوة الأولى: Open the wrapper and take the PE wipe out.
الخطوة الثانية: Rub the desensitizing wipe onto the most sensitive parts of the penis. This would be the underside of the penis, just below the head (the frenulum) and the head of your penis (the glans)
الخطوة الثالثة: Wait 5-10 minutes or until the solution has dried.
النصيحة الأولى: Don’t swipe up and down the length of your entire penis or rub it all over. You only need to focus on the most sensitive areas in step 2.
النصيحة الثانية: Wash your hands after tossing out the wipe so that you are not transferring any of the desensitizing agent to your partner during foreplay.
It is not needed, although we’ve heard from benzocaine wipes users that applying with a semi-erect or full erection is easier.
We suggest getting intimate as soon as the solution has dried or you have waited about 5-10 minutes. Benzocaine wipes will have desensitizing effects for about 30-45 minutes. If you want something that lasts a bit longer, check out our Delay Spray.
نعم، على الرغم من أنه إذا كان من المتوقع ممارسة الجنس الفموي يوصى بمسح أي بقايا متبقية بقطعة قماش مبللة بعد فترة الانتظار التي تتراوح مدتها من 5 إلى 10 دقائق. سيكون قد امتص بالكامل بحلول ذلك الوقت، لذلك لا تقلق بشأن عدم فاعليته إذا مسحته.
بالطبع. All items are shipped in a discreet manner and will arrive in a nondescript package without mention of the product’s name or our company anywhere on the packaging.
نعم، ونحن نوصي بذلك! Personal lubricants add comfort, reduce friction and enhance the overall experience during intercourse. Apply desensitizing wipes and allow 5-10 minutes for the solution to dry and absorb before applying lubricant.
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