Trojan Ultra Ribbed Condoms - 12 Pack
Trojan Ultra Ribbed Condoms - 36 Pack
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Preservativos Trojan Ultra Ribbed

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More Stimulation Than Ever Before

Experience increased friction for enhanced pleasure.

Premium latex for protection combined with deep ribs for enhanced sensation.

  • Premium latex for reduced risk of STIs or pregnancy
  • Deep ribs to enhance sensation
  • Lubrication for more comfort
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Free shipping on all orders over $20 in the United States.
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What Makes Trojan Ultra Ribbed Different

Trojan Ultra Ribbed Premium Condoms

Deep ribs

Designed with ribs at the base of the condom for added pleasure.

Trojan Condoms being tested


Electronically triple tested to ensure reliability.

Trojan high quality latex condom material

Premium latex

Reduced risk of STIs and Pregnancy with premium latex.


Safer sex with increased stimulation

Amazing sensations can be experienced even when practicing safe sex. Ribbed condoms provided increased stimulation for greater pleasure. The additional friction from the ribs will help make for a more satisying sexual experience.

Trojan Ribbed Condoms offer extra protection

Extra protection

A special reservoir tip helps to provide extra safety during sex.

Trojan ribbed condoms enhance sensation

Increased stimulation

Ribbed condoms help you hit the right spots for a more intense feeling.

Trojan Ribbed condoms are lubricated for added comfort


Made with smooth premium lubricant for extra comfort.

Conozca los hechos

Condoms, when used properly and as directed, are 95% effective at preventing pregnancy.
Condoms also significantly reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections*.

Embalaje discreto

La privacidad está garantizada. Promescent products ship in discreet plain packaging with "Customer Service" as the name on the return address.

Plain white bubble mailer signifying discreet shipping offered by Promescent


What are ribbed condoms supposed to do?

Ribbed condoms are designed to stimulate nerves in the vagina. Through the stimulation, it helps to create added sexual sensation.

Do ribbed condoms break easily?

Ribbed condoms do not break more or less easily than any other type of condom.

Do ribbed condoms hurt?

In some cases, ribbed condoms may cause too much friction, leading to rashes and irritiation.

Can ribbed condoms cause UTI?

Trojan ribbed condoms contain nonxynol-9 spermicide, which may increase the chances of developing a UTI. Be sure to practice good hygiene before and after sex.

Can ribbed condoms cause bleeding?

While some users of ribbed condoms have reported bleeding occuring in the vagina, with proper lubrication, it likely will not happen.

How do I store condoms?

Condoms should be stored in a cool, dry place. It should not be exposed to heat or direct sunlight.

Are Trojan Ultra Ribbed condoms made of latex?

Yes, Trojan Ultra Ribbed condoms are made of latex.

Are Trojan ribbed condoms effective at preventing STDs and unwanted pregnancies?

Each ultra ribbed condom is electronically tested and made from premium quality latex to help reduce the risk of STIs and pregnancy.

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