Zinc has been suggested to help with sexual function and overall health. Can zinc help boost your testosterone?
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According to the National Institutes of Health, adult men should consume about 11 mg of zinc each day.
Zinc is an essential nutrient for a variety of reasons.
Most notably, it plays a role in boosting the immune system and metabolic function.
But, studies also show a significant link between zinc and testosterone.
Ensuring adequate zinc intake can also help men with some issues in the bedroom.
Per some studies, as many as 25 percent of men have low testosterone levels.
About one out of every 20 men has clinical symptoms linked to this deficiency.
It's estimated that testosterone gradually decreases by about 1 percent per year after men hit 30 years of age.
Zinc is a nutrient that helps a person’s metabolism function and strengthens their immune system. It also helps with maintaining healthy testosterone levels
The Journal of Exercise Physiology found that zinc can help to raise a person’s testosterone levels.
The daily amount that’s recommended for adult men is 11 mg.
In this post, we'll examine the zinc/testosterone relationship.
We’ll also discuss why consuming enough zinc is vital to maintaining a healthy sex life and the best zinc supplement for maintaining testosterone levels.
Zinc is an essential nutrient for boosting the immune system and for helping manage the body's metabolism.
Some of the most common ways to get zinc are through:
Here's a look at some of the other benefits associated with zinc consumption:
Recovery from the common cold: Supplements or cold syrup taken quickly after the onset of a cold can help relieve symptoms and shorten the length of the common cold.
Wound healing: Zinc's immune system benefits aren't just related to the common cold but to assisting with wound healing as well.
Age-related issues: Some research has discovered a link between zinc and helping to slow the progression of certain diseases, like macular degeneration.
Many studies have found that taking supplements with zinc, like VitaFLUX Nitric Oxide Booster, can help modulate testosterone levels in men, even if the relationship between the two isn't quite fully understood yet.
One study that is cited often is a 2000 report in the Journal of Exercise Physiology.
It found that men with low testosterone who received 30 mg of zinc began to show an increase in testosterone.
Research shows that zinc plays a significant role in testicular growth and sperm function.
The testes are the part of the male genitalia responsible for testosterone production.
And, since the body doesn't store zinc as it does with other nutrients and vitamins, it’s essential to get enough of it daily.
Having healthy testosterone levels isn't only important for your sex drive.
Testosterone also helps maintain and develop muscle mass, red blood cells, bone density, and mood and well-being.
Testosterone levels tend to be highest in the morning and decline throughout the day.
How can men tell if they have low testosterone?
Also known as male hypogonadism, there are a variety of signs and symptoms to be on the lookout for - and they may occur at different periods of a man's life as he ages.
According to the American Urology Association, low testosterone is considered less than 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) for adult men.
Some symptoms of low testosterone include:
There are numerous ways to boost testosterone, which we'll cover in subsequent sections.
These include:
Testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT, may involve a number of means to ensure appropriate levels of testosterone.
It's typically only recommended for men who experience significant hypogonadism and may consist of the following:
Oral testosterone pills are also available, but many medical experts don't suggest these due to potential side effects they could have, particularly on organs such as the liver.
One natural way to boost testosterone levels is by consuming zinc-rich foods.
As discussed above, studies show that zinc intake can help with testosterone levels.
Some zinc-rich foods include:
Finally, the best form of zinc for testosterone is also taking the appropriate supplements.
While medical professionals don't often recommend testosterone-specific supplements due to their potential side effects, zinc supplements are considered safe and beneficial when consumed appropriately.
While there are specific zinc supplements, many men may also get a healthy dose of zinc before bed testosterone in any daily multivitamins they take in the evenings.
Medical professionals suggest that men consume 11 mg per day.
On days when men work out or engage in significant physical activity, up to 15 mg is appropriate.
There are a number of symptoms associated with zinc deficiency beyond potentially low testosterone levels.
These may include:
40 mg of zinc per day is considered to be an upper dose limit.
While there are no reported zinc poisoning cases from consuming foods that are rich in zinc, overdoses have been known to occur in men who take supplements.
Since zinc is involved in so many bodily functions, consuming too much of it can have significant negative consequences.
Some symptoms of zinc overdose include:
Any zinc supplements should be taken in consultation with a medical professional to ensure that appropriate amounts are consumed daily and that there's no risk of zinc overdose.
If there are signs of zinc overdose, men should immediately seek treatment via their local poison control center.
If it's caught early enough, a zinc overdose can be treated with medication that will help balance out the body.
Zinc is an important mineral for the body's immune system and for regulating its metabolism.
Doctors say men should consume about 11 mg of zinc every day.
A healthy zinc intake is found to help a man maintain healthy levels of testosterone.
Low testosterone is associated with various issues in men, from poor sexual performance to loss of sex drive.
There are numerous ways a man can boost low testosterone levels.
These include testosterone replacement therapy, zinc-rich foods, and zinc supplements.
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Absorption Pharmaceuticals LLC (Promescent) has strict informational citing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic or research institutions, medical associations, and medical experts. We attempt to use primary sources and refrain from using tertiary references and only citing trustworthy sources. Each article is reviewed, written, and updated by Medical Professionals or authoritative Experts in a specific, related field of practice. You can find out more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.
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"Does Zinc Increase Testosterone?" Centertrt.org, 2022, centertrt.org/blog/does-zinc-increase-testosterone.html. Accessed on October 17, 2022.
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