K-Y Duration Spray is a product designed to treat premature ejaculation. Our K-Y Duration Review will go over how it works and if it's effective.
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Our KY Duration spray review will explore how effective this treatment is for premature ejaculation.
Premature ejaculation (PE) affects around 30% of men in the US today. It’s when a person ejaculates before they intended during sex.
Individuals are unable to delay ejaculation for more than a minute after penetration.
KY Duration Spray is a desensitizing agent that helps to reduce premature ejaculation.
The product instructs to apply two to three sprays to the head and shaft of the penis. Do not spray more than 10 times.
KY Duration Spray is safe for most men. Some men may experience itching after applying the product.
With reports of relationship struggles and even depression from PE, it’s a problem that should be taken seriously.
Find out what KY Duration spray is, how to use it, and if it’s an effective treatment for PE.
Released in 2016, the KY Duration Spray is a product designed to help reduce and cure premature ejaculation in men.
So how does KY Duration Spray work? The product’s main active ingredient is lidocaine (10mg,) which is a well-researched desensitizing agent that can help prevent overstimulation during intercourse.
Lidocaine works by preventing hyperstimulation while still allowing pleasurable sensations to come through. This allows a man to fully enjoy sex, but without excessive stimulation that can lead to early ejaculation.
The KY Spray itself comes as a small spray bottle filled with 0.16fl oz of liquid. Users are directed to apply roughly 3 sprays to the head and shaft of the penis before intercourse.
The user should then wait between 5-15 minutes for the spray to dry before having sex. This ensures that it gets fully absorbed into the skin so that it's effective and non-transferable to a partner.
Once active, the desensitizing effects may last for roughly an hour on average.
Each pack costs about $20, whether purchased online or in store, and it contains 36 sprays. The recommended dosage is three sprays which means the average user will be able to use the product on 12 separate occasions.
However, some men may have to use up to 10 sprays per application, which is the maximum recommended dosage per occasion. In a 24-hour window, you should only use a maximum of 20 sprays to prevent side effects.
Using the KY male genital desensitizer spray is very simple.
To start, simply remove the child-lock cap by pushing down, twisting, and then removing it until the spray nozzle is visible.
Start with three sprays, and try to cover both the head and shaft of the penis entirely. You should spray while holding the product about 2-3 inches away from the penis so that it’s evenly applied and not sprayed onto the surrounding area.
Any excessive or dripping product can be wiped off with a cloth as well.
You may also use a cloth to spread the product more evenly along the skin, although it’s advised to wash your hands after to prevent any unwanted desensitization.
Wait roughly 5-15 minutes until the product is dry so that it doesn’t transfer to a partner.
If you find that the product is not desensitizing enough, you may add a few more sprays. Be careful not to exceed 10 sprays in one setting, or 20 sprays within a 24-hour period.
The desensitizing effect usually lasts around one hour, although it may also last up to two hours depending on the dose and the individual.
After intercourse, you may use water and a cloth to wash off any product residue.
The KY Desensitizing Spray is safe to use for most men. The active ingredient is lidocaine, which has been excessively studied for both safety and efficacy in treating PE.
Studies have found lidocaine to be safe in both short and long-term usage with minimal side effects.
While some men may experience itching or other temporary effects, there are no major side effects that users need to be worried about when using the product as directed.
Along with safety, studies have found lidocaine to be highly effective in temporarily desensitizing the penis and improving premature ejaculation in men.
On average, many men were found to increase their time until ejaculation by eight minutes.
Due to increased stamina, lidocaine has been shown to increase overall sexual satisfaction in men and their partners as well.
However, if you have a known allergy to lidocaine or any of the inactive ingredients in KY’s Desensitizing Spray, you should opt for a different product.
The KY Duration Spray is generally safe to use for most men; however, there are some potential side effects that you should know about before using it.
Lidocaine, the main active ingredient, has the potential to cause minor and temporary side effects in some users, including:
It’s also important to only use the recommended amount of lidocaine to help prevent any side effects.
Start with only three sprays, and then work up to a maximum of 10 per application. Never use more than 20 sprays in a 24-hour period.
In the case of excessive usage, lidocaine may become toxic and have severe side effects including:
If you mistakenly overuse the product or develop any concerning side effects, make sure to wash the spray off immediately and call a professional.
In the case of an overdose or suspected toxicity, call 911 or go to the emergency room immediately.
Some people should also avoid lidocaine if they have the following:
If in doubt, consult with your doctor before using the KY Delay Spray or other similar products.
If you notice any side effects, you should discontinue use of the product.
For most men, the KY Spray lasts around 1 hour. In some cases, it may last for up to two or even three hours.
Every individual will have a different reaction to the product, but you can help to reduce the longevity of it by applying less spray.
Make sure that any excessive spray is wiped off before it absorbs into the skin.
The KY Duration Spray should not affect women or any other sexual partners if used correctly.
Once the product is absorbed into the skin, it should not transfer to any partners or cause any unwanted effects.
In rare cases, some partners may have an allergic reaction to the ingredients in the product. However, lidocaine will not desensitize partners when used correctly.
The K-Y Duration Spray is not compatible with any type of condom including latex.
This is because lidocaine may act corrosively against latex and other materials, which could cause potential tears or leaks in the condom.
If you look at a KY Duration review online, you'll generally find men who claim that it helped them last much longer than before.
In many cases, men wrote that they lasted 15 minutes or more with the product, whereas they would last for just a few minutes beforehand.
A negative K-Y Delay Spray review will usually claim that the product did nothing for them personally, and that they will try a different product in the future.
A majority of online reviews are in the 5-star range. Very few reviews mention side effects. Outside of not being effective, the price of the product often comes up in more negative reviews.
While hyper stimulation can be a common cause of PE in men, there are other causes that the K-Y Delay Spray may not address.
Some of these include:
In these situations, other forms of treatment including kegels or therapy may be better suited to treating PE.
Does KY Duration work?
For many men, this lidocaine-based product will help to prevent premature ejaculation and increase overall time of intercourse without side effects.
Lidocaine is highly researched, and it’s been found to be both safe and effective in treating PE for a number of men.
While many lidocaine sprays are similar, some may offer other benefits such as different dosages or unique formulations to help encourage faster and more complete absorption.
For men looking to treat their PE and regain control over their sex lives, the KY Duration Spray appears to be a promising treatment.
فريقنا لديه بأكثر من عشر سنوات من الخبرة في مجال الصحة الجنسية وهم خبراء في الاضطرابات الجنسية، مثل سرعة القذف. نحن نساعد الأزواج والأفراد على فهم أفضل لخيارات العلاج المتاحة لأنواع مختلفة من الاحتياجات الجنسية وتثقيف الجمهور بشأن كل الأشياء المتعلقة بالعلاقة الحميمة. نراجع كل المحتوى المكتوب لدينا طبيًّا للتأكد من دقته وموثوقيته.
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