Some have questioned the potential link between porn consumption and premature ejaculation. Find out if they're connected.
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Can porn cause premature ejaculation? PE affects many men worldwide. It’s when a man reaches climax quickly or quicker than his partner desires.
With the amount of internet pornography, there are questions about the potential link between porn consumption and the onset of premature ejaculation.
Pro Tip: Find out more about PE in this ultimate guide to premature ejaculation and learn how to help prevent PE
There is no current study confirming any direct causation between porn consumption and premature ejaculation.
One treatment method that's been proven to be effective for reducing porn consumption is acceptance and commitment therapy.
Different treatments for premature ejaculation include yoga, running, and pelvic exercises.
It’s important to investigate the relationship and discuss the underlying psychological factors. Learning practical strategies and exercise will help men to overcome PE.
There is currently no study confirming direct causation between porn consumption and premature ejaculation. But research from the Journal of Medicine does suggest that one perceiving themselves as having internet porn addiction can lead to negative sexual outcomes.
A treatment option that can change the patient’s perception of their internet porn addiction may be worth exploring with a physician.
In the fourth edition of Human Reproductive Biology, it notes that most studies suggest that premature ejaculation is a learned response.
It’s possible that the quick arousal from pornography leads to men learning to ejaculate fast and thus developing premature ejaculation.
Dopamine is responsible for promoting seminal ejaculation. Porn is said to directly trigger dopamine secretion, which would suggest it may influence how quickly ejaculation occurs.
A range of psychological factors can exacerbate premature ejaculation, and porn consumption can contribute to these issues:
Addressing these psychological factors may significantly improve the control over ejaculation and enhance overall sexual satisfaction.
If the perception of pornography consumption is a cause of premature ejaculation, then it would stand that reducing it could treat the issue. One option to consider is:
A study conducted on 28 male participants found that Acceptance and Commitment therapy caused a 93% reduction of problematic internet pornography use.
As Psychology Today describes it, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy involves accepting one’s inner emotions and understanding they don’t prevent them from moving forward in life. Look for a therapist that offers ACT as a treatment option.
Reducing porn consumption alone may not eliminate premature ejaculation. Here are a few other treatment options to consider to fix the issue.
A study found that there was a statistically significant increase in intravaginal ejaculation latency time in participants who did moderate running 30 minutes a day and five days a week.
The group showed more improvement than participants in the control group who were only advised to walk 30 minutes a day and five days a week. Set out some time to do some running and see how it impacts your time in the bedroom.
Practice techniques like the start-stop method or the squeeze technique to train your body to delay ejaculation. These methods involve stopping stimulation before the point of no return and resuming when the urge to ejaculate subsides.
These methods have been found to be somewhat effective in managing premature ejaculation.
Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles is a medically recommended treatment for improving control over ejaculation. Kegel exercises involve contracting and relaxing the muscles that support the pelvic organs.
One study showed that participants were able to raise their intravaginal ejaculatory latency time from less than a minute to nearly two minutes.
Engage in individual or couples therapy to address underlying psychological issues, such as performance anxiety, guilt, or shame.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy has been proven to help change negative thought patterns.
In a recent story in the New York Post, it was reported that yoga can potentially help men last up to three times longer. The time that the participants lasted during sex went from an average of 26 seconds to about a minute and a half.
Focused attention on breathing movements in the lower abdomen was found to be correlated with an increase of whole blood serotonin 5-hydroxytryptamine levels.
Researchers hypothesize that elevated concentrations of 5-HT is involved with ejaculatory control. Therefore, it’s possible that more 5-HT can help men be better able to hold off ejaculation and last longer.
Consult a healthcare professional to discuss possible pharmacological treatments, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which may help delay orgasms.
Topical anesthetics like lidocaine, which can be found in desensitizing spray, is clinically proven to help men last longer in bed.
While there is no direct causal link between porn consumption and premature ejaculation, it may indirectly contribute to the condition.
It’s important for men to address any negative perceptions they have about their internet porn consumption.
Additionally, it’s important to address any psychological factors related to premature ejaculation that porn may be contributing to, such as performance anxiety and sexual guilt.
Exploring treatments such as acceptance and commitment therapy may help to reduce porn consumption.
Pursuing activities such as yoga and running will also potentially provide long-term treatment for PE.
فريقنا لديه بأكثر من عشر سنوات من الخبرة في مجال الصحة الجنسية وهم خبراء في الاضطرابات الجنسية، مثل سرعة القذف. نحن نساعد الأزواج والأفراد على فهم أفضل لخيارات العلاج المتاحة لأنواع مختلفة من الاحتياجات الجنسية وتثقيف الجمهور بشأن كل الأشياء المتعلقة بالعلاقة الحميمة. نراجع كل المحتوى المكتوب لدينا طبيًّا للتأكد من دقته وموثوقيته.
Absorption Pharmaceuticals LLC (Promescent) has strict informational citing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic or research institutions, medical associations, and medical experts. We attempt to use primary sources and refrain from using tertiary references and only citing trustworthy sources. Each article is reviewed, written, and updated by Medical Professionals or authoritative Experts in a specific, related field of practice. You can find out more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.
Georgina Whelan, MClinPsyc, M SexHealth, Jac Brown, PhD, MClinPsyc, Pornography Addiction: An Exploration of the Association Between Use, Perceived Addiction, Erectile Dysfunction, Premature (Early) Ejaculation, and Sexual Satisfaction in Males Aged 18-44 Years, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, Volume 18, Issue 9, September 2021, Pages 1582–1591, Accessed on Apr, 27, 2023.
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Kalejaiye O, Almekaty K, Blecher G, Minhas S. Premature ejaculation: challenging new and the old concepts. F1000Res. 2017 Dec 4;6:2084. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.12150.1. PMID: 29259775; PMCID: PMC5717471. Accessed on Apr, 27, 2023.
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Cook, I. (2005). Western Heterosexual Masculinity, Anxiety, and Web Porn. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 14(1), 47–63. Accessed on Apr, 27, 2023.
"Premature Ejaculation: Learn Control - Psychology Today.", 2017, Accessed on Apr, 27, 2023.
Crosby JM, Twohig MP. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Problematic Internet Pornography Use: A Randomized Trial. Behav Ther. 2016 May;47(3):355-66. doi: 10.1016/j.beth.2016.02.001. Epub 2016 Feb 12. PMID: 27157029. Accessed on Apr, 27, 2023.
"Acceptance and Commitment Therapy - Psychology Today.", 2023, Accessed on Apr, 27, 2023.
Damiano Pizzol, Guillermo F López Sánchez, Petre Cristian Ilie, Alessandro Bertoldo, Mike Trott, Mark A Tully, Jason J Wilson, Nicola Veronese, Pinar Soysal, Anne Carrie, Simona Ippoliti, Luke Pratsides, Sam Shah, Ai Koyanagi, Laurie Butler, Yvonne Barnett, Christopher Parris, Rosie Lindsay, Lee Smith. Accessed on Apr, 27, 2023.
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Pastore AL, Palleschi G, Fuschi A, Maggioni C, Rago R, Zucchi A, Costantini E, Carbone A. Pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation for patients with lifelong premature ejaculation: a novel therapeutic approach. Ther Adv Urol. 2014 Jun;6(3):83-8. doi: 10.1177/1756287214523329. PMID: 24883105; PMCID: PMC4003840. Accessed on Apr, 27, 2023.
"CBT: A way to reshape your negative thinking and reduce stress - CNN.", 2021, Accessed on Apr, 27, 2023.
"Yoga can help men last three times longer in bed: study - New York Post.", 2023, Accessed on Apr, 27, 2023.
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