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Siempre a punto, el pack Promescent® Essentials contiene todo lo necesario para garantizar una intimidad sin obstáculos. Experimente el notable aumento de la resistencia sexual que Promescent® Delay Spray aporta al dormitorio. Nuestros lubricantes de primera calidad mantienen cada movimiento fluido y placentero tanto para ti como para tu pareja.
Qué incluye:

Lo esencial

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Siempre a punto, el pack Promescent® Essentials contiene todo lo necesario para garantizar una intimidad sin obstáculos. Experimente el notable aumento de la resistencia sexual que Promescent® Delay Spray aporta al dormitorio. Nuestros lubricantes de primera calidad mantienen cada movimiento fluido y placentero tanto para ti como para tu pareja.
Qué incluye:

Spray Retardante
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What's In The Bundle

Promescent Delay Spray
Aerosol de Retardo

The #1 recommended premature ejaculation treatment option by medical professionals

Promescent premium lubricants

Premium quality lubricants for added comfort and pleasure during partner play or masturbation

Uninhibited Intimacy

Promescent products are a bedroom must-have

Bedroom Must-Haves

This duo is a no brainer for anyone that wants better intimacy on demand. Last longer, plus added comfort for both... yes please!

Renewed confidence and less stress and improve your sex life with Promescent

No Stress Sex

Now that you or your partner will be lasting longer than ever before adding a lubricant for that extra glide is a wise choice.

Promescent is the number 1 doctor recommended treatment for premature ejaculation

#1 Recommended

Promescent is recommended by over 2000 healthcare professionals for improved bedroom wellness