In clinical terms, infertility is defined as being unable to get pregnant within one year of trying. It affects nearly 20% of women in the US. One treatment that may help with improving fertility is acupuncture. Discover what studies have shown about the effectiveness of acupuncture for infertility.
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Even though female masturbation is not harmful, it doesn't stop misinformation from spreading online. One unfortunate rumor is that masturbation can cause infertility among other unwanted effects. This article will cover whether masturbation causes infertility, and what women need to know to help themselves be more fertile.
Read MoreAs women age, the quality and quantity of eggs decreases. Typically this drop occurs in a woman's late 30s and early 40s. By that age, only half of couples will conceive spontaneously or with help. But with a few lifestyle changes, conceiving can be more possible. We'll cover how to boost your fertility in your 30s, and provide you with helpful tips for getting pregnant.
Read MoreBut can a penis penetrate the cervix? What does cervix penetration feel like, and is it safe? This form of stimulation is pleasurable for some women, and painful for others. It's important to understand what cervical penetration in order to do it comfortably. Here's everything to know about it.
Read MoreBacterial vaginosis and yeast infections are two common types of vaginitis. Vaginitis occurs when the balance of the vaginal flora and the natural yeast is disrupted. While the symptoms for bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections are similar, these conditions are very different. Here's what to know about these two types of vaginitis.
Read MoreOne of the most commonly sexually transmitted diseases worldwide is oral herpes. It's believed that up to 80% of people that carry it are unaware that they have it. We'll discuss whether it's possible to get herpes through kissing, and go over ways that partners can prevent transmission from happening.
Read MoreBacterial vaginosis may offer no symptoms at all but still poses risks. Those who have unprotected sex while having BV are a higher risk of getting an STI. There are many things that can make this condition more likely to happen. Here's what you need to know about how to prevent bacterial vaginosis.
Read MoreHaving a herpes outbreak can often be an uncomfortable experience. Those dealing with it probably how long the outbreak will last. Our article will go over how long a herpes outbreak lasts and what the symptoms. We'll also discuss the treatment options that can help make it easier to manage.
Read MoreVaginal health is an important thing for women. One of the newest supplements designed to improve the health of the vagina is Lemme Purr Gummies. The brand Lemme was created by reality TV show star Kourtney Kardashian. Her company claims that the gummies will also improve vaginal odor and taste. Our article will go over what these gummies are and if they're effective.
Read MoreWomen can experience low sex drive from time to time in life. HerSolution is a brand that claims its pills can boost a woman's libido and increase sensations during sex. Our HerSolution review will examine these claims by evaluating the ingredients in the product and comparing user reviews. Find out if this sex supplement is the right one for you.
Read MoreAchieving an orgasm can be a challenge for some women. There can be issues with vaginal dryness or a lack of blood flow to the vagina. One product that's meant to help with these issues is Vella Women's Pleasure Serum. In this Vella Women's Pleasure Serum review, we'll cover the product ingredients and user reviews to determine if it's effective for giving women orgasms.
Read MoreGood sexual health is an important part of a woman's overall well-being. Some women struggle with having a low libido for various reasons. One product designed to help improve a woman's energy and sex drive is Rae In the Mood pills. Our Rae In The Mood pills review will discuss the ingredients in the product whether it's an effective libido booster.
Read MoreArousal gels can help to boost a women's sex drive and create more pleasure during intimacy. One gel that's been marketed recently is Vigorelle. It's designed to promote blood flow to the clitoris and cause a warming, tingling sensation that increases sexual desire. Our Vigorelle Review will help you decide if it's worth trying.
Read MoreGood sexual health supplements for women are hard to find. Many different ones often don't live up to their bold claims. Today, we'll examine how well Provestra works for women. Our Provestra Review will cover the ingredients in it and help you decide if this supplement is the best option for boosting sex drive.
Read MoreAchieving sexual arousal can sometimes be difficult for women. Finding a supplement that can help boost a woman's sexual health may be even more difficult. Various claims made by products are hard to verify. This Olly Lovin Libido review will help you know if this a supplement that can actually help boost your sex drive.
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