Everything you need to know about sexual health and wellness.
Priapism is a condition where the penis is erect for four hours or more without sexual stimulation. Without proper treatment, there can be potential tissue damage and possible erectile dysfunction. It's important to know the causes and symptoms of this condition. We'll discuss everything you need to know about priapism.
Read Moreإذا لم تكن قد سمعت من قبل عن BlueChew ، فهو اشتراك عبر الإنترنت يقدم للعملاء دواء ضعف الانتصاب (ED). تتعاون الشركة مع مقدمي الخدمات الطبية المرخصين ومن خلال الخدمات الصحية عن بُعد ، تحصل العملاء على وصفات طبية لأدوية الضعف الجنسي. سنناقش كل شيء عن كيفية عمل BlueChew وما إذا كان مناسبًا لك.
Read MoreSildenafil and Tadalafil, also known as Viagra and Cialis, are two of the most common erectile dysfunction medications. Both have been proven effective for treating ED. It can make deciding which option to go with challenging. Find out the advantages and disadvantages of each to help you decide what's best for you.
Read MoreA midlife crisis can occur in a man's life as they start to get older. They may reflect on their past and have regrets. They might also reflect on their present and have feelings of discontent. We'll discuss all of the signs to look out for in a midlife crisis, and provide tips on how you can cope if you're experiencing one.
Read MoreSomething that you may not know can make pregnancy more difficult is lubricant. Most lube is harmful to sperm, which your partner getting pregnant less likely to happen. Fortunately, there's fertility lube available that's cleared by the FDA as a proven option for trying to conceive. Here's what you should know about fertility lube.
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It's often difficult to the amount of vitamin D we need daily. Having a lack of vitamin d can have an effect on testosterone. Studies show that there's a link between high vitamin D levels and high testosterone levels. Our guide will cover how to get more Vitamin D in order to help improve your testosterone levels.
Read MoreHave you ever wondered if masturbation causes erectile dysfunction? If you have, it's important to know that masturbation is a safe and healthy activity for men. There are many myths surrounding self-pleasure. This guide will go over the most common ones and give you a better understanding of masturbation.
Read MoreWith nearly one out of every three of men reporting having experienced PE at some point in their lives, it’s no wonder there are so many treatment options available. One of those options is premature ejaculation hypnosis, but does it work?
Read MoreOne way that erectile dysfunction can be treated is through the P-Shot. The procedure involves an injection of your platelet-rich plasma to stimulate new cell growth and improve blood flow.
Read Moreإذا لم تكن قد تعرضت لحرق احتكاك على قضيبك ، فاعتبر نفسك محظوظًا. إذا كان لديك ، فأنت تعرف تمامًا كيف يمكن أن تكون البساط مؤلمًا يحترق على قضيبك. سنتحدث عن طرق تجنبه وما يمكنك فعله إذا حدث لك.
Read MoreLorals latex panties are a great alternative to the conventional dental dams of the past. Designed to stay in place and allow you to enjoy hands-free oral. Lorals protection line even offers protection from STIs.
Read MoreIn the world of premature ejaculation, there are tons of tips and products available to help you last longer. Today we're going to look at premature ejaculation condoms and everything you need to know.
Read MoreThe clitoris is by far the most sensitive part of a woman's body. Learning how to stimulate this pleasure-laden spot is key to female sexual satisfaction. We’ll discuss where it is, and how to stimulate it properly.
Read Moreربما تكون قد سمعت مصطلح سن اليأس عند الذكور أو سن اليأس لوصف تغيير في الرجال في سنواتهم اللاحقة ، ولكن ما هو بالضبط؟ في حين أنها تشترك في بعض الأعراض مع انقطاع الطمث لدى الإناث ، إلا أن الاثنين يختلفان اختلافًا كبيرًا. أيها الرجال ، دعنا نلقي نظرة على ما يمكن أن تتوقعه عندما تصل إلى الخمسينيات والستينيات من العمر.
Read MoreA skinny penis is a condition where the girth of your penis is below what is considered average. We’ll examine your options and see just what can be done to help fix your thin penis.
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