Expert medical advice on how to last longer in bed.
With nearly one out of every three of men reporting having experienced PE at some point in their lives, it’s no wonder there are so many treatment options available. One of those options is premature ejaculation hypnosis, but does it work?
Read MoreIn the world of premature ejaculation, there are tons of tips and products available to help you last longer. Today we're going to look at premature ejaculation condoms and everything you need to know.
Read MoreIf you’ve been searching the internet for ways to last longer in bed, then no doubt you’ve likely come across claims that masturbating before sex will help you last longer in bed, but is it true?
Read MoreNowadays, it can get confusing with so many products designed to treat premature ejaculation. We're going to take a look at the pros and cons of Trojan Extended Pleasure Spray. See if this male desensitizer is right for you or what alternatives may be better.
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Did you know that doctors sometimes prescribe Tramadol for premature ejaculation? It’s true this pain-relieving drug actually can help with the treatment of premature ejaculation. We’ll examine everything you need to know and help you decide if this treatment option is right for you.
Read MoreIf you're thinking about taking Spanish fly, don't. Modern Spanish fly is nothing more than snake oil. Even if you could find some original Spanish fly out there somewhere, it used to be made with cantharidin, which can cause injury and even be fatal.
Read MoreWomen often find themselves in the predicament of their boyfriend or husband being bad in bed. Don’t worry. With some minor lifestyle changes and plenty of open communication, he can be that tiger you always hoped he would be.
Read MoreIt's becoming increasingly common for doctors to prescribe Paxil for premature ejaculation. And while Paxil is generally safe, you should know a few things, like some of the great non-prescription alternatives available to you as well as some of the possible Paxil side effects.
Read MoreWhen it comes to controlling premature ejaculation, you have several options available to you. One of those options is sertraline (Zoloft). Let's take a look at some important things you should know before you decide to head down that road.
Read MoreWhether you suffer from frequent premature ejacualtion, or it just happened to you once and you want to make sure it never happens again. These tried and true exercises and techniques have helped many men looking to remedy their premature ejaculation situation.
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إذا كنت تبحث عن طريقة تمنعك من القذف، فأنت في المكان الصحيح. لقد كتبنا هذه المقالة لمساعدتك على التخلص من سرعة القذف والاستمرار في الفراش لفترة أطول.
Read MoreHave you ever wondered how many rounds of sex is normal for men? What is average and what is healthy? We're here to get to the bottom of just how many rounds of sex is normal.
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أنت هنا لمعرفة كيفية جعل الرجل يستمرلفترة أطول في السرير. أنت لست وحدك. مع ما يقدر بنحو 30% من الرجال الذين يعانون من سرعة القذف، يمكنك المراهنة على وجود الكثير من النساء المحبطات هناك.
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مع وجود العديد من علاجات سرعة القذف الآمنة والفعالة والمتاحة بسهولة، قد تتساءل عن سبب قيام شخص ما بوضع أوراجل على قضيبه. سنلقي نظرة على هذه الظاهرة ونعلمك لماذا ليست فكرة سديدة.
Read MoreHave you been curious about RexMd performance wipes for premature ejaculation? We break down everything you need to know about these little pre-treated benzocaine wipes to see if they can help you last longer in bed.
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